NAME edu.berkeley.cs.db.yfilterplus.querygenerator.PathGenerator - Generates a set of XPath paths according to workload parameters. SYNOPSIS java edu.berkeley.cs.db.yfilterplus.querygenerator.PathGenerator (DTD_FILE | STAT_FILE) OUTPUT_FILE NUM_QUERIES MAX_QUERY_DEPTH PROB_WILDCARD PROB_DOUBLESLASH [options] PARAMETERS DTD_FILE | STAT_FILE File containing the DTD or statistics. OUTPUT_FILE Output file. NUM_QUERIES Number of queries to be generated. MAX_QUERY_DEPTH Maximum query depth. PROB_WILDCARD Probability of the wildcard occurrence in each location step. PROB_DOUBLESLASH Probability of the double-slash occurrence in each location step. OPTIONS --theta=REAL Distribution of the child elements appearing inside a chosen element. REAL is between 0 and 1: 0 - uniform distribution; 1 - skewed zipf distribution. --num_predicates=NUM Number of predicates per query. --num_nestedpaths=NUM Number of nested paths per query. --prob_predicate=REAL Probability of each possible predicate appearing in a query. --prob_nestedpath=REAL Probability of having a nested path in each location step. --distinct=VALUE Whether generated paths are distinct. VALUE can be one of TRUE or FALSE. NOTE: If this option is not set, the generator assumes the value to be FALSE. DIAGNOSTICS BUGS