this function reports two types of information on dtd elements:
1) the loops in dtd and elements on a specific loop; and
2) the number of paths going from the root element to a specific element
this function only removes (1) the identifiers of paths
from the accepting states of the NFA without changing
the structure of the NFA; and (2) the data structure
containing query predicates from the list of queries.
DocumentHandler :: end element:
now evaluating paths and finding accepts is a job here after
attribute checking when the element is read
and data value checking when the data is read;
need to pop the current element context and drop back to the previous one
this function finds element pair between which there is a single path
this information is complementory to elementOnLoop and multiplePathElement
1) if the start or end element in on a loop, the answer is no
2) if the end element is not a multiplePathElement, the answer is yes
ignoring these trivial cases, this functions for the case that the start
element is not on a loop and the end element is a multiplePathElement but
not on a loop.
fn_position -
Static variable in class edu.berkeley.cs.db.yfilterplus.queryparser.xpathparser.sym
fn_text -
Static variable in class edu.berkeley.cs.db.yfilterplus.queryparser.xpathparser.sym
in memory representation of a query:
all the paths are already indexed in QueryIndex:m_nodes
this data structure is the element type of QueryIndex:m_queries
for each path, it contains all predicates and their selectivities,
path nodes (literally), braching levels for nested paths, joins, etc.
compatibility between NFAExecLevel and outputLevel
NFALevel=0 y n n n
NFALevel=1 y y y n
NFALevel=2 y y y y
NOTE: outputLevel overwrites NFAExecLevel when conflicts occur
so set the output level first and then the compatible NFA execution level
DocumentHandler :: start element:
here we need to check all of our current states
to see which ones match this element and push
the resulting set of states onto the execution